What to Expect When You're Expecting

     Yesterday I watched the movie "What to Expect When You're Expecting" because I had read something on a blog that said that it was surprisingly good. I had seen it before on Netflix but had marked it off as a dumb chick flick, but I decided to watch it anyway. Well, it was a dumb chick flick, but it was also surprisingly good. There was no main character, but instead the movie focused on the lives of five women as they went through pregnancy (or in the case of two, a miscarriage and an adoption). But it was about more than that, and it was a good comedy, and it was actually pretty original, and all of the story lines tied together well.
     There are a lot of famous actors in it, like Elizabeth Banks, who plays Effie Trinket in "The Hunger Games". When I first saw her in "What to Expect When You're Expecting", I knew I'd seen her in some movie but could not think of it and it was driving me crazy and then all of the sudden I was like "Effie!" It was weird to see her without strange makeup and a weird accent. The cast also featured Jennifer Lopez, Anna Kendrick, Cameron Diaz, Dennis Quaid, Chris Rock, and Rebel Wilson. Of course, having a lot of high-profile actors doesn't automatically make a movie good. In fact, I'm leery of movies with too many well-known actors in it, because they're often typical, let's-just-make-a-lot-of-money-in-the-box-office movies. But that wasn't the case this time.
     If you're looking for a feel-good, funny movie to watch with a group of girl friends, or by yourself, watch "What to Expect When You're Expecting".

Elizabeth Banks.
Day 201 Song Recommendation: "Gone" by Matt Nathanson.
-SE Wagner


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